Terms of Use
Our Terms of Use detail important information about what you can expect of us and what we expect of you when you use Antera Software products and services.
The Terms of Use is a comprehensive document covering a wide range of topics including privacy, how we handle sensitive data, and what we do to protect sensitive data. The Terms It also specifies the rules for the customer using our system.
The Terms of Use is composed of:
Master Service Agreement (MSA), a comprehensive agreement for using Antera Software’s products. The MSA says what’s expected of customers and what customers can expect of us while they’re subscribed to Antera Software’s system. MSA’s are unique to individual customers.
Privacy Policy, which details how we collect, store, and process data, including Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
Data Breach Notification Policy, which details the steps we take to protect sensitive data and what we will do if sensitive information is breached.
Antera Software and GDPR
Antera Software is a strong proponent of clear, concise and responsible privacy practices. We would like to explain Antera and GDPR.